Canceling Candidate Applications in 'Emailed' Status

Admin users with risk management permissions using the Yardstik Risk Management product can now cancel applications in the ‘Emailed’ status. Canceling an application in the ‘Emailed’ status will prevent the candidate from accessing the risk management form and stop them from receiving reminder emails. Follow the steps below to cancel the applications in ‘Emailed’ status:


  1. From the Demosphere Universal Experience dashboard select Risk Management. From the Reports menu choose All Applications

  2. Locate any application in an ‘Emailed” status and click the remove icon to cancel the application.

  3. Confirm the cancelation by clicking Yes, Cancel, or click No to exit the process. 

  4. Once confirmed, the application will be placed in a ‘Canceled’ status.

  5. Candidates that have their applications canceled can be submitted in 30 days.  

If you need to have Risk Management permissions enabled, please contact