Mobile App access to all Active Teams for Full Admins & Directors

Full Admins and Directors can view seasonal teams through the mobile app. This ensures they have a unified experience aligned with their organization, enabling direct communication with staff and team members, updating team events as required, and moderating chat content when necessary. Follow the steps below to view teams in the mobile app.


  1. When accessing the mobile app, use the Admin Access tab to view your organization's seasonal teams. 
  2. If you have administrator level access for multiple organizations, tap the ORG icon to switch between viewing respective teams in each. 
    • Note: To view any of your personal seasonal teams (teams you or another one of your household members are rostered on) select the My Content tab. 

  1. Seasons with active teams will be displayed on the screen. Choose the season in which you wish to view the teams in. As you select the season, the season’s structure will open with groupings that have been established in the season until you have reached the teams.   

  1. As you expand the season structure, tap on a team name to view their team information, as viewed by team members on the app. 
    • Team (Info): Lists basic information about the team, including Team ID #, organization name, competition name, season, and # of team members.
    • Team Events: View a seven-day snapshot of all team events (trainings, games, and custom events). Tap on View All for a full calendar of the team’s events.
    • Team Messages: View and send messages via the Team or Staff Wall. Options to create direct chats with selected members and send emails are also available. Tap on View All to see messaging channels, including the Team Wall, Staff Wall, My Chats, and an option to send emails. 

  1. You can also navigate through the team views listed above using the footer located at the bottom of the screen. The footer will also have an option to view Members of the team. The members list will be broken down by staff, players, and relatives. Tap on Home to be taken back to the season structure view.  


Click here and view the Coaches Resources section for more guides on how Full Admins and Directors can navigate and manage teams from the Demosphere Mobile App. 


Click here for a guide on how to create and manage a Director role for your organization.