Custom Data: Clubs

Club Management Site Administrators are now able to create custom data attributes associated with specific Clubs so they can track, filter and report on specialized data needs.

The Data Reporting & Management dashboard includes a new data category, titled Clubs, under the Custom Data Management tab. Selecting Clubs provides related Custom Data Attributes management. 

Custom Attributes are included in the Club Management > select club >  Club Information tab. 


In addition, the Custom Attributes titles and saved values are displayed on the Individual Club Management page under the Club Information tab. Custom Attributes will be included in the Edit Club Info dialog.

Report Builder displays a data object category for "Club Registrations" and a sub-category for "Club Info." 

Selecting Club Info requires the Site Admin to identify which Seasonal Scope they wish to report on. The data objects under Club Info that are automatically provided by the system include Club Name, Club Status, Club Acronym, Website, Year Founded, Street Address, City , ZIP, Club Email, Club Phone and Club Fax.

Selecting the data object for Custom Data provides a list of related Custom Data Attribute titles within the Reports Filters.