Report Game Scores

Team staff who have been given access by their organization can submit game scores for home and away teams after matches have been played via the team page. Both home and away team staff can log in and submit post-game scores so standings can stay current and reflect recent team results. 


1. Under the Demosphere Universal dashboard click Teams

2. Select the Team under the My Active Teams list.

3. On the Team Page, games will be listed under the Game Schedules heading

4. Click on the mini menu located in the upper right corner of the game details and select click on the mini menu (three dots) in the upper right-hand corner of the game listing. Select Submit Game Report.  

Note: If the mini menu is not present, this indicates team staff has not been given permission to enter scores at this time. If you believe that permissions should be granted, please contact your organization. 


5. The Post-Game Report will display on the screen. Enter in the home team and away team score and any other information that needs to be reported to your organization including player or staff infractions or game recaps. An overview of the fields can be found below: 

  • Home/Away Team Game Scores: Number of goals scored by the home team/away team during the game. Depending on form settings, scorers can either be identified with a drop-down menu that will pull in the player names from the roster or identified by writing in their name. Note: When entering scores for each team, the scorer fields will dynamically change to match the number of points scored by the respective team.

  • Home/Away Player Infractions: Using the drop-down menus include any infractions and reasons for home/ away players. Depending on form settings, individuals can either be identified with a drop-down menu that will pull in their names from the roster or identified by writing in their name

  • Home/Away Staff Infractions: Using the drop-down menus include any infractions and reasons for home/ away staff members. Depending on form settings, individuals can either be identified with a drop-down menu that will pull in their names from the roster or identified by writing in their name.

  • Home/ Away Team Recap: Option to include any further context or details about events during the game.

6. Any fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required for submission. Once complete, click Save. The game score will now appear in the Game Schedules section. Once a score is submitted it is locked for further modification. If details on the game report need to be changed, contact your organization's admin.